


Adobe Photoshop Processing a batch of files
RGB by itself, with no modifiers, is not a designation for a color profile. It is simply a generic description of the file type (like CYMK or grayscale). sRGB is a designation for a specific RGB profile.
If you open one of these images in PSCS3 (and if you have selected the appropriate warnings in the Color Management dialog) the program will inform you if the image is tagged with a profile other than your working color space, or if the image is not tagged at all. If the former, then just convert to sRGB. If the latter, assign sRGB profile.
Batch processing is very useful when a large number of files require the same processing. For example, using a camera to digitize a diary can easily generate hundreds of images that need to be rotated and renamed. Batch processing allows the changes to be applied to a group of files.
The main steps that may need to be done with batch processing for historical images are listed below in the order they would typically be applied.
· Crop the image
· Rotate the image
· Adjust tone and color
· Set the resolution to determine the size of the output image
· Assign or convert color space for the image
· Set the format of the output file
· Rename the file
Batch processing begins by identifying the changes that need to be made for a group of images. Typically, the changes are made to one of the files and the steps or settings recorded. Then these changes are specified for batch processing and applied to the other files. Output file names typically have characters identifying the group of files and then a number that is incremented for each file in sequence (e.g., dmb_diary_1926_001, dmb_diary_1926_002).
The safest strategy for batch processing is to put the output files in a separate folder from the input files. The input files should not be deleted until the batch processing has been verified to have completed successfully. While batch processing can greatly speed processing, it can also cause extensive damage if there are problems. With separate input and output folders batch processing can easily and reliably be redone if there are problems.
As would be expected, Photoshop CS has powerful batch processing capabilities. Photoshop Elements has limited batch processing capabilities that primarily can convert the format and apply auto adjustments to a group of files, but does not have a way to rotate the images or make custom adjustments. The free XnView image viewing application has useful batch processing capabilities but is limited to processing with only 8 bits per channel. XnView used alone or along with Photoshop Elements is usually adequate for processing simple documents such as diaries.
It is highly recommended that each image is checked to make sure the result of the batch processing was as expected. These checks can be done quickly with image viewing software such as XnView or the Windows Photo Viewer.
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photoshop Import multiple images (png) into a psd file
Adobe Photoshop is one of the world's best known software applications and widely used in professional graphics, both in print and for web work. While there are some great open source graphics applications like GIMP or Krita, sometimes Photoshop is still the only application which can be used in certain cases - especially in the pre-press world.
One of the sources of its power is the native PSD file format. A PSD file can not only hold image data, but is more of a large container which can include metadata, camera info, text, vector artwork and more. Most other programs only handle a small subset of its capabilities.
PSD Import
Scribus does have its own native capabilities to import PSD files from version 6 and earlier - the latest version of the PSD format which is publicly documented. The Scribus Team has also been able to worm some features out of files created with later PS versions, so most PSD files can at least be loaded into Scribus, but they may have file format features which are not supported.
In general, PSD support is quite extensive, including:
The ability to manipulate and adjust layer settings.
The option to enable and use masking along with the paths embedded in the file.
In almost all cases, provided they are not defective, ICC color profiles which are embedded into a PSD are detected and used when color management is enabled.
Scribus generally will import 8-bit Greyscale, RGB and CMYK PSD files without issue.
Alpha transparency is supported.
Scribus will import PSD files with normal layers and will display the individual layers in the Extended Image Properties dialog, which is avialable from the Context Menu.
Clipping paths in PSD files will be recognized and can be used for text flow.
Blending modes which are in the image file can be used to affect the way the image displays and prints. It's also possible to modify blending or to apply other modes between PSD layers. This won't affect the original file.
In almost all cases Scribus will automatically detect the file encoding, whether it is ASCII, Binary or Binary with JPEG.
Potential Issues
Adjustment layers and effect layers are not yet supported. In such a case, Scribus will fall back to using a "flattened" version of the file.
Layered TIFFs saved from Photoshop are often not handled well by other TIFF readers and importing applications. This is because Photoshop actually embeds PSD type layers in a private tag. Scribus will attempt to read the PSD layers info and, if successful, make it accessible to the Extended Image Properties dialog. Text and vector layers within this private tag are not yet supported.
DCS (Desktop Color Separations) 1.x/2.0 files are a special flavor of EPS saved in Photoshop and are imported natively - much like a PSD file - and complete with ICC profile support. Image quality should be close to or equivalent to the native PSD file. Vector masks are also detected and can be used to control the display within Extended Image Properties. DCS files can also be saved from Quark XPress®, but this flavor will be imported using Ghostscript as a filter for the time being. This is partly because the way Quark X-Press® exports them does not conform to the DCS specifications properly.
Scribus can detect Duotones, Tritones and Quadtones in PSD and Photoshop EPS files and import them. The difference between both formats is that you need to import the spot colors from the EPS separately via Edit > Colors > Import. If you import a PSD file, you can directly manipulate each of the spot colors within it via the Image Effects dialog, which is available from the Context Menu. In most cases, Scribus will detect the image as Duo, Tri or Quadtone and automatically import the colors from the PSD file.
Microsoft Expression Web enables you to generate a .png (PNG-24), .gif, or .jpg file from an Adobe Photoshop .psd file and select the Photoshop layers you want to include or exclude from the image. If you want to make changes to the original .psd file, in Expression Web, you can select the web-optimized image that Expression Web generated for you and conveniently open the original .psd file in your default .psd file editor, such as Adobe Photoshop.
Expression Web can import Photoshop .psd files that have all the following properties:
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photoshop Adjustment Layers and Masks to correcte image
Increasing contrast brings out the color and detail, creating a more exciting image.
The final image is shown at the bottom of the page with adjusted midtones, enhanced green color and sharpening applied after the increase in contrast.
When you increase the contrast, the dark colors become darker and the light colors become lighter. Because our eye finds detail by differences in color, increasing contrast brings out the detail in almost every image.
I find that I must usually adjust brightness at the same time as I increase the contrast. It is a good idea to move in small increments, checking the original image often, not just the preview.
Color will usually improve with a contrast adjustment as well. That is one of the reasons that I most often adjust the contrast before I move to any other enhancing tool. Notice how the green of the jersey is much brighter once the contrast is increased. Also, look at the detail at the back of the helmet. In the original image, you can barely tell that there is purple detail, yet with increased contrast, that detail jumps out.
Hint: If you are enhancing a series of images that came from the same scanner or digital camera, with similar photos taken in similar lighting, you will find that the contrast and brightness settings are often similar from one image to the next. Make note of the numbers for the first few photos, and start with those values for subsequent images. If the numbers you are using turn out to be exactly the same every time, you may wish to create an action (Photoshop) to enhance your images with one click.
Contrast/Brightness in Photoshop
Photoshop offers contrast and brightness control in one function. To adjust one or both values, select Image> Adjust> Brightness and Contrast. Use the sliders for each value to adjust, moving to the left to decrease brightness or contrast, and to the right to increase either value. With the preview option checked, you can follow the results of the changed value in the document.
There are times that you wonder if you have improved the image or not. Just uncheck the Preview option, and you will be able to see the original appearance again. Toggle back and forth, adjusting the values until you are satisfied that you have improved the look. Click OK to accept the settings.
Contrast/Brightness in Paint Shop Pro
Paint Shop Pro offers contrast and brightness in one function. To adjust one or both values, select Colors> Adjust > Brightness/Contrast. Enter the values you desire, click on the increase or decrease value arrows, or click on the slider under the value to change the settings. Click on the Preview button (the eye) to check the results in your document.
If you wonder whether you have improved the image, click on the the Preview button, and you will be able to see the original appearance again. Toggle back and forth, adjusting the values until you are satisfied that you have improved the look. Click OK to accept the settings.
To reset both values and start over, click on the Reset button at the bottom right of the screen.
Contrast/Brightness in Fireworks
Fireworks offers contrast and brightness control in one function. If you are not already working in Edit Bitmap mode, select Modify> Edit Bitmap. To adjust one or both values, select Xtras> Adjust Color> Brightness/ Contrast. Use the sliders for each value to adjust, moving to the left to decrease brightness or contrast, and to the right to increase either value. With the preview option checked, you can follow the results of the changed value in the document.
There are times that you wonder if you have improved the image or not. Just uncheck the Preview option, and you will be able to see the original appearance again. Toggle back and forth, adjusting the values until you are satisfied that you have improved the look. Click OK to accept the settings.
However, there are several problems with the image that take away the impact and make what should be a dramatic photo fade into oblivion. Compare this image to the enhanced version at the bottom of the page. Notice how the first one seems dull and uninspired compared to the second. The enhanced image pops off the page and really grabs your attention.
The transition from the image at the left to the one at the bottom of the page is accomplished in steps. The steps I have learned to follow are contrast, tone, color and finally sharpening. Occasionally an image only needs one or two minor adjustments, and really bad, or specialty photos, like jewelry, require more than this list of enhancements. However, it is a good starting point.
The difference between the first and second images at the left is entirely accomplished by increasing contrast and brightness. Take a look at the first image and let your eye absorb the difference in color from the lightest to the darkest color. Then observe the enhanced image and do the same. Note how the numbers on the jersey are gray in the first and white in the second. The color range in the first image is from CCCCCC (light gray) to 333333 (dark gray). The range in the enhanced image is FFFFFF (white) to 000000 (black). The table below shows the dark and light colors side by side, dramatically showing the difference in contrast levels.
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make a cool light swirl effect in photoshop to wrap around any person or object

make a cool light swirl effect in photoshop to wrap around any person or object

You can use more than one Adobe Photoshop tool to produce a "down-the-drain" swirling effect in all Photoshop image types that support transparency -- that is, any color mode except bitmap or indexed color. The tool you choose to create your effect depends first on the type of swirl you want, then on whether you prefer a more-or-less pushbutton effect or one you can fine tune with greater control.
Don't choose Liquify to produce your swirl unless you're willing to invest the time to adjust and refine the effect. Liquify's Twirl Clockwise tool applies both clockwise rotation and -- if you hold down the "Alt" key (Windows) or "Option" key (Mac) while you drag your pointing device -- counterclockwise distortion. You can modify your swirl with the Pucker and Bloat tools, add Turbulence to mix up your pixels still more and remove any of these distortions selectively using the Reconstruct tool. When you reach the effect you want, click on the "OK" button to apply it to your image layer.
Adobe Photoshop users have been using this destructive Distort filter for as long as Photoshop has had filters. It applies less distortion to the edges of an image than to its center, optionally producing a pattern by adding a positive or negative distortion angle to its parameters. The higher the numeric angle value you enter, regardless of whether it's positive or negative, the more distortion the filter applies, all the way to a classic spiral.
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Turn on the Smudge Tool's Finger Painting mode, choose a large brush diameter and a high Strength value, and you can create a swirl interactively using your pointing device. Make sure you use the tool in Normal blending mode to distort the shape of your layer elements rather than their color or brightness. If you use a drawing tablet with your computer, you will find its stylus input device makes the Smudge process easier to apply than if you use a mouse or touchpad.
For a stylized swirl effect, try Adobe Photoshop's Ripple Filter, also from the Distort collection that includes Twirl. With a high Amount setting and a ripple size of Large, you can create a loose swirl that looks like it involves water as well as surface movement. Experiment by applying Ripple to a layer you've already distorted with the Smudge tool or Liquify filter, as well as by applying Ripple twice to the same layer.
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photoshop add some glow lights Swirls Effect

photoshop add some glow lights Swirls Effect

In this tutorial, Dominique Byron explains how to add textures to your work to give it a handmade feel, and how to combine these with shading and highlights to provide extra detail to your image.
Adding subtle textures to digital work makes it more interesting and can introduce depth to an image that looks quite flat. It also makes the piece appear less computer generated, adding a bit of mystery as to how it was created. This allows Dominique to add an organic flavour to her work's geometric base.
This masterclass will teach you how to add textures and shading to specific areas of your work using your own papers and textures, while not compromising the colours and shapes of your image. As these techniques are applied over the top of your artwork, it means that they can be applied to all types of images, from vector illustrations to photographs.
After I created all the basic shapes of the lobster, water/air and background in Photoshop (either using the Selection tools and Paint Bucket, or intersecting filled Shapes), it was time to apply texture and shading.
First, I split the image into sections by merging the shapes into layers. This was so I could work on one section at a time, and therefore reduce the amount of work I would have to redo if I made a mistake.
Next, I opened up an image of some scanned paper. I chose paper with a relatively fine and consistent grain so the image wouldn't look patchy later on, and also made sure it was hi-res enough to cover the biggest section of my image. I then dragged the paper into my image window so it became a new layer.
After moving the paper layer to the top of the image, I then Destaurated it (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + U) to get rid of any colour, and changed the layer style to Multiply, to allow the colour of the image below to show through.
I made the colours of the image slightly brighter than I wanted in the final illustration, because adding texture darkens the artwork.
I then applied a Levels adjustment (Cmd/Ctrl + L) and manipulated the amount of black, grey and white in the texture using the sliders. Increasing the black and grey darkens the shadows of the texture, and with the layer style set to Multiply, boosting the white determines how much of the lobster image will show through. I made sure to check reference images of lobsters to ensure that the texture looked natural.
Next, I applied the texture to each section of the image. I did this by duplicating the texture layer multiple times, and placing one of these layers above each image section in the layer panel. I then made each texture layer a Clipping Mask (Cmd/Ctrl + Alt + G), so that the texture fit to each section separately.
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Editing Animated Gifs in Adobe Photoshop CS3

Editing Animated Gifs in Adobe Photoshop CS3

When you open an animated ad or gif animation in Photoshop CS3 or CS4, you will see just the first frame, no layers and it will not animate. This is why it is essential that you keep the layered file used to make your animated ad or gif animation so that you can remake the animation later if you want to change it. (NOTE: Adobe Photoshop CS5 now has full animated .gif support so that animations can be opened with layers and settings intact.)

But what if you don't have this layered file? What if all you have is the animated ad or gif animation file?

This is the animated ad created in the tutorial, Create an Animated Ad or Gif Animation:

What if I wanted to make the background color different for each frame but lost the original layered file? Fortunately, there is a workaround.

If you want to follow along with this tutorial, you can download the animated ad above (animation.gif) by clicking on it and dragging it to your desktop (Mac) or by right-clicking it and saving it (Windows).

When you Open the animation, in this case animation.gif, don't just double-click on it to open it in Photoshop. Instead, go to the File menu and select Open As Smart Object:

In the Open dialog box that appears, navigate to the animation (animation.gif), click on it once to highlight it, and then down at the bottom of the dialog box in the Format drop-down menu, select QuickTime Movie. Click Open:

Make sure your Layers palette is also showing. If it isn't, go up to the Window menu and select Layers. In the Layers palette, instead of a "background" layer, you will see a "Smart Object" layer:

Next open the Animation palette by going to the Window menu and selecting Animation:

Your Animation palette will appear in Timeline display:

Click on the Animation palette fly-out menu in the top-right corner (circled in RED) and select Flatten Frames into Layers:

This takes your animation and breaks it up into 4 separate layers that you can now see in the Layers palette:

Click on the Animation palette fly-out menu in the top-right corner (circled in RED) and select Convert to Frame Animation:

You'll get this alert box. Just click Continue:

Now your Animation palette will show frames instead of a timeline:

You can go ahead an delete that Smart Object layer by clicking on it and dragging it to the trash can icon on the bottom right corner of the Layers palette. You should just have your four frames now:

Now, make any changes you want to your individual frame layers.

When you are done making changes, click on the Animation palette fly-out menu in the top-right corner (circled in RED) and select Make Frames from Layers:

Your Animation palette will now show all four layers as animation frames:

If you want your animation to loop continuously, make sure Forever is showing in the drop-down menu at the bottom left corner of the Animation palette. You can also make your animation loop Once or as many time as you specify under Other:

Next you want to set how many seconds each frame will show (Frame Delay) until the animation jumps to the next frame. Click on the triangle right under each animation and select from one of the defaults or choose Other to set your own Frame Delay amount:

When you select Other, a dialog box will appear where you can set your own Frame Delay amount. I've decided on 2 seconds for each frame. NOTE, you must set the Frame Delay for each animation frame but the value for each frame can be different:

To create your animated ad/gif animation, go to the File menu and select Save for Web & Devices:

The following dialog box will appear. Your dialog box may look different depending on the settings you last used. Most important is that GIF is selected in the drop-down menu right below Preset. The rest of the settings below always seem to work well for me but you should experiment with them on your own. Click Save, name the gif (and make sure you keep the .gif file extension at the end of the name) and save it to your hard drive:

To view your animated ad/gif animation, drag it into an empty browser window.

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Editing Animated Gifs in Adobe Photoshop CS4

Editing Animated Gifs in Adobe Photoshop CS4

When you open an animated ad or gif animation in Photoshop CS3 or CS4, you will see just the first frame, no layers and it will not animate. This is why it is essential that you keep the layered file used to make your animated ad or gif animation so that you can remake the animation later if you want to change it. (NOTE: Adobe Photoshop CS5 now has full animated .gif support so that animations can be opened with layers and settings intact.)

But what if you don't have this layered file? What if all you have is the animated ad or gif animation file?

This is the animated ad created in the tutorial, Create an Animated Ad or Gif Animation:

What if I wanted to make the background color different for each frame but lost the original layered file? Fortunately, there is a workaround.

If you want to follow along with this tutorial, you can download the animated ad above (animation.gif) by clicking on it and dragging it to your desktop (Mac) or by right-clicking it and saving it (Windows).

When you Open the animation, in this case animation.gif, don't just double-click on it to open it in Photoshop. Instead, go to the File menu and select Open As Smart Object:

In the Open dialog box that appears, navigate to the animation (animation.gif), click on it once to highlight it, and then down at the bottom of the dialog box in the Format drop-down menu, select QuickTime Movie. Click Open:

Make sure your Layers palette is also showing. If it isn't, go up to the Window menu and select Layers. In the Layers palette, instead of a "background" layer, you will see a "Smart Object" layer:

Next open the Animation palette by going to the Window menu and selecting Animation:

Your Animation palette will appear in Timeline display:

Click on the Animation palette fly-out menu in the top-right corner (circled in RED) and select Flatten Frames into Layers:

This takes your animation and breaks it up into 4 separate layers that you can now see in the Layers palette:

Click on the Animation palette fly-out menu in the top-right corner (circled in RED) and select Convert to Frame Animation:

You'll get this alert box. Just click Continue:

Now your Animation palette will show frames instead of a timeline:

You can go ahead an delete that Smart Object layer by clicking on it and dragging it to the trash can icon on the bottom right corner of the Layers palette. You should just have your four frames now:

Now, make any changes you want to your individual frame layers.

When you are done making changes, click on the Animation palette fly-out menu in the top-right corner (circled in RED) and select Make Frames from Layers:

Your Animation palette will now show all four layers as animation frames:

Editing Animated Gifs in Adobe Photoshop CS4

If you want your animation to loop continuously, make sure Forever is showing in the drop-down menu at the bottom left corner of the Animation palette. You can also make your animation loop Once or as many time as you specify under Other:

Next you want to set how many seconds each frame will show (Frame Delay) until the animation jumps to the next frame. Click on the triangle right under each animation and select from one of the defaults or choose Other to set your own Frame Delay amount:

When you select Other, a dialog box will appear where you can set your own Frame Delay amount. I've decided on 2 seconds for each frame. NOTE, you must set the Frame Delay for each animation frame but the value for each frame can be different:

To create your animated ad/gif animation, go to the File menu and select Save for Web & Devices:

The following dialog box will appear. Your dialog box may look different depending on the settings you last used. Most important is that GIF is selected in the drop-down menu right below Preset. The rest of the settings below always seem to work well for me but you should experiment with them on your own. Click Save, name the gif (and make sure you keep the .gif file extension at the end of the name) and save it to your hard drive:

To view your animated ad/gif animation, drag it into an empty browser window.

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